Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boxing workouts at home-a better way to lose weight and tone up.

A lot of people don't realize how wonderful boxing workouts at home can be. It certainly isn't something that you may have considered before. That really is a shame for several reasons.

When you think of boxing it's only natural to think of sweaty, stinky old gyms with constant racket. That description doesn't really get anyone too excited about trying it. I wonder why?

Boxing really has had a bad reputation for quite a while. With the matches that were "rigged" and the dishonesty in the sport it's no wonder boxing is considered "dirty". We aren't talking about that today though.

A download exercise boxing video is a great investment for many people. From the stand point of "getting the most bang for the buck" boxing burns more calories than most other forms of exercise. That does need to be qualified a bit though!

Simply punching a heavy bag or a speed bag isn't going to tone up every area of your body. A good video will incorporate interval training and a variety of routines.

If you have ever been to the gym and watched boxers training they are usually sweating profusely. It truly is one of the most demanding forms of exercise. That's why it works so well for burning calories!

As a matter of fact, if you can find a good boxing workouts at home you can burn up to nine times as many calories as other forms of cardio. The really nice thing is you can do it any time regardless of what the weather is like outside.

You may have been toying with the idea of adding some kind of new exercise to your routine. Boxing is an excellent way to diversify and explore new ways to burn fat quicker.

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